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My First Hennas

Producing an artist retreat for henna artists for several years, leaves attendees with the perception that I, myself, am also a henna artist. I love henna. I love the way it smells. I love the way it feels. I love the way it makes me feel when I receive henna from an artist. However, I have only ever attempted henna on skin a few times. Being an artist, I honestly thought that I would pick up henna very easily but it is truly a different medium unlike any other I have ever tried. I would say it is more akin to decorative frosting than it is to painting with a brush or drawing with a pen or pencil. It’s far more complicated than all of the amazing henna artists make it look. When you watch a henna artist work her (or his) magic, remember that they have practiced with that henna cone many, many times to make the henna flow so smoothly and gracefully over the skin. They put themselves in wild positions to henna the requested parts of our bodies. They put their heart and soul and love into each henna they complete.

While the Henna Retreat is on hiatus, I do hope to return to creating an artist’s retreat again in the near future. This time, here on the Oregon Coast, closer to our new home. In the meantime, I continue to watch all of the henna artist’s progress and look in awe at their work over time.

Here’s a little peek at my very first hennas. I did all of these one afternoon on myself, just trying out the medium. It’s much harder than it seems to make the lines straight and pretty and graceful. I will say that it’s very fun though and very satisfying to feel the henna on the skin. But I think I’ll leave it to any future hennas on my body to the experts.

Do you henna? Share a link to your website or FB page so that everyone can check out your work!

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Illustration by Blume Bauer ©


© 2017-2024 The Yellow Desk & Boutique by Blume Bauer

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