Do you love blogs?

Do you love to read blogs? I do! I love reading about people's lives and adventures. Their journey as they try to make the most of this life we have. My friend, Cortney, turned me on to this cool website where you can follow all the blogs you love in one, easy to get to place (they even have a phone app!). It's called Bloglovin' and I am lovin' it! It's super easy to follow a blog you like. Go to, create an account and then just type in the name of the blog(s) you want to follow. If the name doesn't come up in their search, you have the opportunity to add it just by putting in the blog's URL. It's super cool. From then on, you have a Pinterest style feed of the blogs you love. You can scroll through and read the ones you want, mark them as read if you want to skip a particular blog, heart a blog post you love, and even leave comments without leaving the platform. I just love reading through my blogs now and seeing all of the gorgeous photos posted with them. It's super fun to have it all in one easy place. And I can view them on the road now via the phone app! It's fantastic.

If you love following my blog - show me some lovin'... click here to follow me on Bloglovin'.
